Fix the Footy!! The AFL Rules Amendment Team
Hello Fellow Footy Fan and welcome to:
Fix The Footy!!
Home of the The AFL Rules Amendment Team!!
AFL may be the greatest game in the world, but even great things have flaws! Don't you hate it when you're watching your team fight for glory and the rules are inconsistent and unfair? Well that's where we step in! The AFL Rules Amendment Team or AFLRAT is an independent innovation created by football fans such as yourself. We hope to fight the good fight and use our powers of democracy to change the rules that drag our national game down. Inspired by the uncompetitive and mindlessly boring, unoriginal tactics used by Port Power at the conclusion of the match on Saturday June 19th, our first fight will be to appeal to the AFL Rules Committee to change the rules so that such slowing of the play will not be permissible, hence making the last minutes of the last quarter of our favourite game the most exciting! Click here for further information about our campaigns!
Demographic Survey
The only way to prove to the AFL what is wrong with our national game is to show them what we love about the game! The AFL is ultimately profit driven, so realistically speaking the only way they will heed our call is if they realise that profit might be affected if they don't make the changes. If the game's not entertaining, who'll watch it? This is your chance to show the AFL what makes AFL entertaining. So please, spare five minutes and take the survey. Our cause will definitely benefit from your time!
Our Campaigns
AFLRAT is dedicated to campaigning to improve our nation's favourite game to make it more entertaining and fair to all teams. We believe that the AFL rules should promote fair competition and give all teams in the national competition equal opportunities. Our current campaign is to stop the ridiculous tactic used by teams to slow play down by maintaining possession in the defensive half of the ground in order to avoid engaging in contests. Please support this campaign. All the information you require to do this is available at the click of a button!
Other Footy Issues
There is more to footy in Australia than what happens on the field and what is written in a rules book. This page is a forum for issues that we see occurring in our footy world from the politics to the bodgy umpiring calls every team receives week in week out. If you have any issues or ideas you would like to share with us, please contact us! Who knows... if your idea gets enough support, we might be able to appeal to the AFL about it!
Here are some other footy links we thought you'd enjoy!
Contact Us
Feel free to contact us if you would like to share information with us regarding the site, the information on the site, your opinions on afl or if you require further information about anything we do. Thank you!
Email to: [email protected]
Online Guestbook
AFLRAT is completely independent from the AFL and has been created as a means of communicating all views in the football world with the AFL. We are based in Western Australia, and like all of you support footy clubs that play in the AFL!

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